Braces & Others

Braces are a wonderful and predictable way to move teeth to a more desired position. Oftentimes, by moving teeth to a better position, not only does the smile look better, they function better and the jaw joints, the TMJ’s, work and feel better too. Straighter teeth can improve self esteem, improve posture and even help reduce frequent headaches. In terms of dental health, straighter teeth are also less vulnerable to cavities and are less likely to chip or wear down. We offer traditional, self-ligating and ceramic braces. Which ones are right for you will be discussed with the dentist.
Functional Appliances
In certain cases, patients need auxiliary appliances for their orthodontic treatment. Some children will benefit from a removable appliance to help stimulate lower jaw growth. Other appliances include a myofunctional appliance when a patient has tongue thrusting issues. We also make habit-breaking appliances to stop thumb sucking habits.
Digital Impressions
Our digital scanner eliminates the need to take goopy wet impressions in your mouth. This is a great relief for those who have a severe gag reflex. The other advantage of the digital scanner is that it captures the most accurate impression of the mouth. It allows us to digitally communicate with our laboratories to get your dental work back faster and more accurately.